Day 65: Friday 14 April Thinking about precedent and crossbreeding today I recalled a story Richard Feynman told. I need to dig it out to confirm the details. This took place either at university or when he started working at Los Alamos, when they were developing the atomic bomb. Quite possibly he always did this. […]
Remember, people love to help
Day 64: Thursday 13 April So often I might hesitate to ask for help. To reach out to an acquaintance or colleague or even to someone I’ve only an oblique connection. But I met with a past student of mine. She asked for help. I was very happy to do so. I could have said […]
Day 63: Wednesday 12 April Been thinking about a new frame for my work on a better culture in the profession. In his book Build- An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making, Tony Fadell writes about how Steve Jobs used metaphor for Apple’s big ideas. A metaphor makes ideas immediately accessible and gives them […]
New clear
Day 44: Friday 10 March Steady as she goes. As I continue to work through the bits and pieces, new clarity is coming. Workshop It’s always been my goal that in my workshops the emphasis remains firmly on the work. It’s the way the teaching will stick, the learning will be meaningful and the ideas […]
Day 35: Monday 27 February The question de jour Where’s the tension? Sometimes the thing you set out to do, is not the thing anyone wants. There’s a misalignment between the problem you perceive and the problem your client perceives. That creates a tension for you (or me in this case). So the answer is […]