Remember, people love to help

Day 64: Thursday 13 April So often I might hesitate to ask for help. To reach out to an acquaintance or colleague or even to someone I’ve only an oblique connection. But I met with a past student of mine. She asked for help. I was very happy to do so. I could have said […]


Day 63: Wednesday 12 April Been thinking about a new frame for my work on a better culture in the profession. In his book Build- An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making, Tony Fadell writes about how Steve Jobs used metaphor for Apple’s big ideas. A metaphor makes ideas immediately accessible and gives them […]

the profession’s last chance

Day 40: Monday 6 March The challenge I’m currently facing is that I’m not quite sure what I’m looking for. I’m more used to researching a very specific subject or idea. Instead I’m fishing around in a realm I’m unfamiliar with. It’s uncomfortable and tentative. The reality is that I haven’t taken the time to […]

Not written by AI

Day 21: Tuesday 7 February It’s truncated Tuesday, the day when any break in play seems to have flow on effects. I need to get better at planning my Tuesdays with more short manageable tasks that fit in the gaps, or those that can sustain the stop start of meetings and other planned interruptions. Yes […]

Meeting the muse

Day 20: Monday 6 February Some days it’s just hard to find your way in. Not for a lack of motivation or energy or tasks to do. Just trying to tune the thinking and gather the thoughts. Sometimes caffeine helps. Sometimes it just needs a mark on the page to overcome the inertia. Today was […]

It feels vulnerable

Day 12: Tuesday 24 January Posted the behemoth What seemed like a good idea to dive into a little research and start some thinking on ideas around flexible work turned into a 10 minute read! Not my usual compact blog post of 4-6 minute read! It’s messy, uneven and probably has big holes through it. […]

An experiment, a slog and a letter

Day 11: Monday 23 January This week I’m experimenting with adopting a different way of planning out what i’m working on. Previously I identified my two important tasks for the week, along with their associated steps. It’s a good system when they’re big tasks but it breaks down if the two are easily achieved within […]