
Day 63: Wednesday 12 April

Been thinking about a new frame for my work on a better culture in the profession.

In his book Build- An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making, Tony Fadell writes about how Steve Jobs used metaphor for Apple’s big ideas. A metaphor makes ideas immediately accessible and gives them a frame for comprehension. It’s seductive idea and one I return to regularly. It helps to ask,

What does this look like?

It’s a little bit like Casuistry, but not philosophically or ethically based and more about clarity of ideas.

I’ve been sitting with this, around how architects might consider embracing skills, structures or strategies from outside their bubble. Where it came from, I know not, but suddenly I saw the whole thing like inbreeding. The persistence of teaching bad behaviours or ways of thinking is a form of inbreeding of ideas and skills.

Crossbreeding or selective breeding put a more positive spin on the idea. Breeding out poor traits, introducing valued traits and deliver a more vigorous breed.

The analogy is perfect.

The metaphor less so.
Indeed it’s kinda creepy.

Trying to stand it up in a blog post in order to think about how I might express it in a less critical and more evocative way.

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