Not written by AI

Day 21: Tuesday 7 February

It’s truncated Tuesday, the day when any break in play seems to have flow on effects.

I need to get better at planning my Tuesdays with more short manageable tasks that fit in the gaps, or those that can sustain the stop start of meetings and other planned interruptions. Yes getting the important work done should take priority but it’s important to be flexible and pivot to tasks of lessor importance that can be completed within the available time, rather than aiming to do the the longer important work in a more half-arsed way.

When I take a look at my Task Central kanban board I see I have some work in my “Valuable” column (one down from “Important”) I could have completed today, instead I tried for important and failed to do it well.

Human skills beat AI

Blog posted today

Fair to say I fiddled with it too much, but it did make it better. I’m not unhappy with where I got it to or the time I spent on it. There are some good thoughts in it that are worthy of expansion. To me that’s the sign of a good blog.

A good blog – from my perspective of the exercise – is:

  • a learning process: learning about what I think and doing research to learn more about the topic.
  • a thinking process: clarifying and refining my thinking, arguments and rationale.
  • something that builds on previous work either adding to my thinking and knowledge, refines or rethinks.
  • is a resource: giving me new ideas to build upon, new ways of speaking about my work, new concepts to build upon. Allowing me to use it for media posts, website rewrite or content and workshops.

Today’s was a good blog by all my accounts. It’s a bit loose and probably needs to be revisited with fresh eyes in a couple of weeks, but a good exercise.


Was playing around with some additional content, CTA’s and copy for the website. One thing I noticed was that people don’t tend to go onto the pages for the actual services. They’re not part of the main menu and instead are reached through some intro “cards” on a few of the pages. It’s clunky but I’m playing with making those pages accessible from the main menu.

I wasn’t going to, but it’s reversible. and a reminded myself that it’s always worth experimenting. There’s little to lose in this case. Going to be interesting to see what I learn!


Started the Reconciliation Action Plan journey today.

It’s important to me that in all my work I acknowledge the wisdom that has come before me. Not least of which is the wisdom of first nations. The discussions around white supremacy and dispossession are uncomfortable and I want to get better at them. I see this as a process of learning as well as supporting the aboriginal people, starting to put things to rights. Also taking on board work that I would ask of my clients and doing it myself.

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