Beginning the new spruik

Day 17: Wednesday 1 February

Smashed it today. Had my head down and didn’t really stop, except enforced break for lunch, and when I’d pretty much fried me thinkin’ by mid-late arvo!

First day of the month and a day for…

Reviews & goals

How did January go?

I’m giving myself a pass.

Given it was an abridged month due to holidays, I achieved most of what I set out to do, but I’m not entirely happy with what I identified as the important work for the month. That’s been course corrected for February.

The aspect I’m most happy with is the new systems I’ve got in place. The regular tracking, reviewing and posting here are helping me stay on course and focus on what I’d planned to do and established as the goals. It’s work in progress, but a considerable improvement on what I’ve been doing.

February Goals

The main objective in February (and the quarter) is to work on developing my network, my profile and get a workshop up and running.

  • Begin building a waitlist for workshop development. Do so as a survey to establish what the workshop will be – include 3 options.
  • Update website to reflect unmeasured’s revised offer and thinking. That includes every page and Calls to Action.
  • Reach out to architectural publications to offer my writing. It’s likely that there are at least 5 reasonable prospects. Aim for 10.
  • Start process to develop the unmeasured RAP
    • Note: Booked in for webinar in Feb
  • Post to Michael Lewarne is working in public every day I work.
  • Start posting more intentionally around selling and building email list.
    • Review LinkedIn Mastery
  • Finish new Tolstoy for website
  • Do more cold reach outs – start to leveraging LinkedIn more.

Spruiking new workshops

New stuff. Beta workshops. Spent my most productive part of the day working on the email and webpage for the waitlist. Basically the same text.

Feel pretty chuffed with what i came up with.

It’s live but no-one knows it’s there yet. Email goes out tomorrow.

Here’s a sneak peek

🐸 Ate the frog
Posted a survey to LinkedIn. I’m not overly confident it will get results, but good as an experiment, despite the discomfort.

Reach outs

Hmm… the CRM list is not so easy to handle so spent a bit of time tidying that up so it’s easier to identify good people to reach out to. Note to self: need to also spend some time identifying more people that aren’t already on the list.

The value of the reach out is building the community and identifying those people who are interesting to talk to, that can help and who might also be able to suggest other interesting people. Keeping at it.

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