Day 6: Monday 16 January
Start of a new week and the plan for the week is to write out my 1 month and quarterly Goals as SMART Goals (which I should have already done!)
a reminder…
S pecific, M easurable, A chievable, R ealistic, and T imely
I also would like to update my website to reflect unmeasured’s revised thinking and offer. Plus get the weekly tasks done such as my useletter, reach outs, journaling here, etc.
Today, my plan is to nail down the Goals and get the useletter under way. If I have time I might start to review unmeasured’s website too.
Note to self…
A bit slow to get into gear today. Distracted looking for tasks to do other than start writing out my goals.
Done is better than perfect!
AND you’re not beholden to them. You can review and update.
You have to start!
Today felt like a series of small tasks achieved. No big aha’s or fat lines through major tasks.
and that’s OK. It feels good to get clear on the Goals, the direction I’m heading and what i hope to achieve over the year.
Eat the damn frog! 🐸
That’s this week’s useletter
Sometimes (always) it’s useful to write about the things we need to do ourselves.
Not done, but started. Gnatty little intro I hope. Little bit of research to go into the advice section.
CTA for feedback and a little note to people to drop by over here if they want to check out my working in public.
Puke Zone 🤮
Not loving the idea of posting my goals publicly here.
Here goes…
January goals
The main objective in January (and the quarter) is to work on developing my network and profile
- Update website to reflect unmeasured’s revised offer and thinking. That includes every page and Calls to Action.
- Reach out to architectural publications to offer my writing. It’s likely that there are at least 5 reasonable prospects. Aim for 10.
- Finalise Strategic Vision. Namely the Marketing plan and the Operations Plan sections.
- Write out 2023 gaols as SMART goals.
- Begin building a waitlist for workshop development. Do so as a survey to establish what the workshop will be – include 3 options.
- Start process to develop the unmeasured RAP
1st quarter 2023 goals
The main objective this quarter is to work on building my profile, but more importantly starting to engage clients and potential clients in the work I’m doing. Doing the work, not just selling it.
- Aiming for 3 new coaching clients minimum.
- Follow up with past clients and leads
- Deliver 2 (maybe 3) test workshops. These workshops will be draft versions, offered as cheap or free workshops in order to hone and develop them, not to mention establishing what is of value to people. ie poll people for preferred options.
- Versions of this might be to offer them to shared work spaces such as Studio 5, or to individual offices as a free intro (to friends or members of my community).
- Work through idea of free intro workshop as an offer to offices. NB: probably not be a good idea to do it for free. Offer a discounted workshop.
- Work up what the offer would look like
- Draft an email
- Send out as part of RO’s each week.
- Develop revised fee structure for coaching and workshops.
- Start developing the unmeasured RAP.
- Develop paid resources and establish Shopify shop with at least 2 offers.
- Need to decide which ones I’ll put up.
- Finalise and submit SXSW Sydney proposal
- Establish the outline of the new version of A Question of Practice. Program one event – aim to hold it before the end of the quarter, if not then invites or EoI’s out to gather people’s ideas.
- Original goal as written: Cultivate a community of architects working towards better representation of the profession through acts of generosity and radical communication, so that the profession learns to be a part of the conversation about the city instead of apart.
- It’s about radical communication by the profession to the public. Leadership of and by the profession. By needs it must be an act of generosity, not self-serving.
- What’s the format? Maybe it needs a formal structure and/or protocols.
- What’s the offer?
- Why would people join in?
- How do I make it so that others can step up, take ownership and lead it?
- It might embrace the format established by the SXSW proposal, but what does that look like as a constructive process not just an event.
2023 Goals
- To have unmeasured running so that it’s not only covering costs (including my wage) but is making a profit.
- Based on a modest wage of $6500 per month
- 5% profit minimum: based on gross income after contributions to causes
- Networks:
- 5000 followers on LinkedIn
- 500 subscribers to Useletter
- Need to review other networks
- Clients
- 12 one on one coaching clients
- 20 company clients: one-off workshop or greater
- Presentations
- 6 significant public presentations – in public, podcast, or online
- 6 public workshops or similar – live or online
- Public writing
- Write regularly (minimum fortnightly) for at least 1 significant architectural publication.
- Have articles published in at least 4 significant architectural publications – Australian and international.
- Continue publishing in ACA, etc.
- Online resources
- Have 5 resources available for purchase online (Shopify)
- Establish a community of architects working towards better representation of the profession through acts of generosity and radical communication.
- hold 3 (minimum) bi-monthly meetings
- Create and deliver an event for SXSW Sydney
- A developed Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for unmeasured.
- To learn joke construction and telling skills in order to include in my writing and presentations. There may be a number of ways to do this.
- Learn stand up.
- Enrol in an online course
- Read books or blogs.
- Find practice opportunities: if not doing a face-face course.
There are of course overarching goals to maintain my work systems, and they’re all in place to ensure I’m best able to work towards my goals. Not least of which is posting here every day I work.